One of the foremost challenges of the 21st century will be the
"deconstruction" of the great monument of "Eurocentric" history which has
been erected over centuries, and which cast a giant shadow over the world
today. For generations to come, our students must continue the task of
uncovering the historical records that accurately and adequately reflect the
role and relevance of Africa and her sons and daughters.
Ahkaybulon®, a play on the original name for Africa, is a
multi-dimensional, international initiative to restore Africa, moreover
its poorest countries, back to a place of wealth. Initiatives currently
include, but are not limited to, the production of Ahkaybulon® Drums;
custom, handcrafted drums from Kenya.
Uganda:related facts
The original name of Africa before Colonization was Akubulan.
Uganda is also known as "The Pearl of Africa"
There are 6 stripes on the Ugandan Flag, 2 each of black, Yellow and Red
The National Bird is Crowned Crane
There are approximately 56 tribes in Uganda
The "national attire in Uganda is for women the GOMESI and it was
created by an ancestor of Mr. Paul Senkungu, the male attire is called
Kanzu. The Ugandan national anthem was written by Mr. ?, the father of Ms.
The capital city is Kampala and its name derives from a Luganda expression
"Kosozi" Kampala which means Hill of Antelope. Mustesa I, the Kabaka
(king) of Buganda, had chosen the area that was to become Kampala
as one of his favorite hunting grounds. The area was made up of numerous
rolling hills and lush wetlands. It was an ideal breeding ground for
various game, particularly a species of antelope, the Impala (Aepyceros
melampus). The origin of the word is likely from the Zulu Language in
South Africa.